We provide various demolition and excavation services
RCC Earth Movers is a sister concern of Rajana Construction Company was established in 1972 who were the manufacturer of RCC brand chamber bricks. RCC Earth Movers has successfully completed over 300 large scale projects since 1984. We work with all the major construction companies and engineering firms in Coimbatore, Chennai, Madurai, Trichy, Salem, Tirupathi. We provide various demolition and excavation services which include rock splitting, wire-saw cutting, earth removal, soil transportation, filling etc,. Our biggest asset is our experience and our ability to meet various client needs with the latest state-of-the-art machines.
Our Experience
Our Biggest Asset
Our Machines
Latest State-of-Art Machines
Our Customers
All Major Construction Companies
Our Service
All over Tamilnadu
Most Experienced in the Industry
Our Contractors
Client Satisfaction
We understand the Customer's Requirement better.
Years In The Business
Best thing about RCC is our Experience in this industry.
Happy Customers
We work with all the major construction companies.